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COD: 162212210 Categoria:


Accessorio a due punte: da un lato una punta tonda e piatta in gomma naturale, diagonalmente tagliata. Ideale per dipingere petali e foglie, margherite e mimose, rapidamente e senza lʼuso di altri pennelli. La seconda punta, rigida e affinata, per aggiungere dettagli di luce, steli e pistilli.

This accessory has two different tips: on oneside it has a rounded soft rubber tip that is ideal to paint flower petals and little leaves, daisies or mimosas, without any need of other tools. The second tip is hard and pointed and is used to add stamen and pollen to the center of the flowers as well as to sign in a graffiti style or to paint thin lines on a padded coloured background.